Charities We Support

Giving back to our community is a vital part of who we are.
We proudly support the following local and national charities.

“Thank you for your generous donation of $500 to the Greenwich Tree Conservancy’s Arbor Day Tree Party. Your support enables us to promote and provide responsible tree care and planting in our town.”
— JoAnn Messina, Executive Director, Greenwich Tree Conservancy
“Thank you to all our advertisers, and to the individuals, families and businesses
[including Hoffman Landscapes] who made donations to the Walter Schalk Scholarship Fund for the Performing Arts. Those students who apply will receive a donation to further their education.”
“Your team has been so AMAZING to work with. We can’t thank you enough for everything [the team at Hoffman did building the outdoor doggie play area for Anna’s Dog Park at PAWS in Norwalk]!”
“We would like to thank you for supporting our Spring for Abilis event by placing an ad valued at $300.00 in our gala journal. The funds raised at the event will help Abilis provide essential services and supports for over 700 individuals with special needs and their families from birth through their lifespan.”
“I am pleased to report that Silver Hill Hospital’s Giving Hope Gala raised over $1 million again this year. Thank you for contributing to this special night and for your help in reaching this goal. As you know, every penny raised supports the Financial Aid Fund, which ensures those patients without adequate financial resources, can participate in a residential treatment program.”
“Thank you for your contribution of $250.00 as sponsor of this year’s Secret Gardens Tour. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the staff and our community, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your contribution. With your support of our leading fundraising events we are able to maintain our 40-acre campus, a key element in our ability to engage over 10,000 students in environmental programming this year alone!”
“Thank you for your support of the Time for Lyme Gala held on April 11, 2015. The event raised more than $850,000 to support fact-based, scientific research to find better diagnostic tests and a cure for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.”
“Thank you for your continued support of Tea for Two Hundred over the past few years. You have helped to make the event a great success. Interfaith AIDS Ministry provides critical support services to families faced with nutritional, physical and spiritual challenges of living with HIV/AIDS, as well as providing vital educational and prevention programs. New Milford VNA Hospice has been providing end of life care for over thirty years. Thanks again for your support.”
“On behalf of the New Canaan Nature Center Board of Trustees and staff, we would like to express our sincere thanks for your generous contribution of $500.00 to sponsor the 2014 Secret Gardens Tour. Thanks to an outstanding group of volunteers, the generosity of local homeowners, and the support of businesses like yours who provide much needed financial support, we are able to host this popular community event and annual fundraiser that attracts over 500 visitors.”
“On behalf of Lyme Research Alliance, Inc., we gratefully acknowledge and thank you for your donation of $250 received on 4/7/2014 in support of the Time for Lyme Gala… Thanks to the kindness of donors like you, Lyme Research Alliance can continue its work to find definitive diagnostic tools and effective treatments giving new hope to those affected by Lyme disease.”
“Thank you so much for agreeing to be the floral sponsor for our upcoming luncheon to benefit the Center for HOPE and the Den for Grieving Kids! As you know, The Center for HOPE and the Den for Grieving Kids are our community’s preeminent resources for children, individuals, and families affected by critical illness, loss, and other life-altering circumstances. This high profile event usually draws roughly 300 women from Darien, New Canaan, and the surrounding communities. Thank you again so much for your help in ensuring that this event is a huge (and beautiful!) success!”